It is similar to but different from the nasal cold treated by oriental medicine clinic in Incheon

The treatment at the oriental medicine clinic for sinusitis in Incheon is similar to but different from a nose cold

Hello, this is Misoro Korean Medical Center that corrects breathing difficulties.You may have thought, “This cold lasts a long time.”If the cold symptoms that had gradually disappeared after about a week continue for more than two weeks, you should ask questions about other diseases.Today, I will explain the respiratory disease that comes like the aftereffects of a cold. What is empyema?

It is a respiratory disease name that can be used with sinusitis, which is better known to the public.There is an empty space on both sides of the nose, and that’s the sinus.Existing features are responsible for air circulation and absorbing external attacks.However, due to various causes, air circulation is blocked and secretions accumulate, causing inflammation.This is called empyema and sinusitis. Do you want to know the cause and symptoms of empyema?

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If you look at the structure of our faces, there are four empty spaces full of air around our nasal bones.All four of them are paranasal sinus, which is located between the eyes, frontal sinus behind the eyebrows, maxillary sinus on both cheeks, and tangential sinus on both sides based on the nose.In the treatment of the oriental medicine clinic for empyema in Incheon, the location of the sinus varies depending on the facial organ, so there may be differences in inflammation and symptoms.empyema is very common among respiratory diseases, and types are divided based on the period during which symptoms occur.If it is less than one month, it is classified as acute, and if the condition continues after three months, it is classified as chronic.

Acute sinusitis is so confusingly similar to a cold that empyema can occur due to bacteria of the disease.The two easy-to-compare methods can be distinguished by checking the period of illness mentioned above.The symptoms that appear after the outbreak are similar to colds, mainly runny nose, fever, fatigue, and additional tenderness and headaches can occur.If you feel better about five days after catching a cold, you should suspect sinusitis and get help from the Incheon Pneumonia Oriental Medicine Clinic.If you miss the treatment period, it can get worse, so not missing the early stages of the disease is also a way to prevent chronicity.

If appropriate therapeutic measures are insufficient at the acute stage and progress cannot be prevented, it can become chronic.When you check the nasal cavity with a nasal endoscope, the situation may change depending on the presence or absence of blisters.Typical symptoms are very similar to acute ones, but after runny nose or concentration flows backward, symptoms of nasal discharge, phlegm, loss of sense of smell, and cough are added.Blocking both noses is a normal reaction to empyema, but sometimes if you feel suffocated in only one nasal cavity, mold bacteria and cavity bacteria can cause it, so you should look for different treatments for the cause.If a lump is settled inside the nose and yellow, sticky runny nose is accumulated, it can be diagnosed as chronic, which increases the process necessary for the treatment of Incheon Oriental Medicine Clinic. How should I treat empyema?

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Acute empyema can improve the disease in a relatively simple way compared to chronic.The use of antibiotics is essential for general prescriptions in otolaryngology.The period of drug use is confirmed to be between 10 and 14 days, and additional doses are recommended for about 3 days even after the symptoms disappear.I think this is to reduce reinfection by any chance.Without this process, stopping or increasing the amount of antibiotics according to the patient’s personal judgment can lead to worsening symptoms or side effects.

Chronic empyema also uses antibiotics, but steroids directly used in the nasal cavity are additionally prescribed.The duration of use of the medicine has been at least doubled compared to acute ones, and some patients are worried about resistance.However, if it gets worse, it is difficult to expect improvement with medication, and if the effect is insufficient, surgery may be recommended.Surgery varies from person to person, but it is only applicable to those who have time to spare because they must have a recovery period of more than 4 weeks.It is said that the treatment of oriental medicine clinics for empyema in Incheon has a low guarantee that it will be cured even if this method is used, so it often recurs again.In particular, re-surgery, allergic diseases, asthma, and weakened immune systems can be the main reasons for recurrence.Anesthesia is required before surgery, but general anesthesia is mostly used, so it can increase the patient’s vague anxiety.Although safety is higher than in the past due to the development of medicine, it is recommended that those considering surgery check and decide whether it suits their personal conditions.Although empyema is a common disease that is easy to find around, repeated recurrences can cause inconvenience in life and further complications in connected areas such as the eyes and brain, so it is important to respond quickly without neglect. Are there any treatments such as empyema and Hanui?Previous Image Next ImageIncheon Oriental Medicine Hospital has an oriental medicine care process for persistent diseases that are not easy to improve, such as rhinitis and empyema.It is a way to improve the disease by correcting the root cause and pursuing a direction to change the constitution.In particular, it can be seen that side effects or drug resistance do not occur because the patient’s constitution is distinguished and the necessary herbal medicine is used through detailed consultation.Prescribing herbal medicine for each of these ideological structures to improve the overall immune function naturally helps to recover non-mucosal membranes and prevent recurrence.In particular, since it contains the main ingredients such as bellflower, white background, and forsythia fruit that can block the nasal cavity, it prevents the symptoms of empyema and reduces inflammation.In particular, immunity and bronchial tubes weakened by frequent colds and empyema can be treated.If necessary during the treatment process, additional needles and acupuncture are prescribed to reduce swelling through non-mucosal stimulation and promote the discharge of agricultural and waste products.After recovering the nasal cavity through various healing processes recommended by the oriental medicine clinic for empyema, you should practice vertical life to protect the nasal mucosa.It is important to always maintain humidity in the living space so that it does not get dry.On days when fine dust and air pollution are severe, washing with saline solution after going out helps moisturize and clean nasal environment.Previous Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image

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